Advances in Dental-PMMA


Rapid prototyping is a technology used to produce various prototypes and solid models directly from 3D CAD model by means of photopolymers and biomaterials has gained interest because of its structure which can build in high resolution. Rapid prototyping is used to design models in the field of aerospace and automobile. The main aim is to design artificial teeth through Rapid prototyping technology. In the past, artificial teeth’s are made of metal, porcelain, gold and silver where those teeth’s are not stable. The Rapid prototyping based teeth are developed through the selective laser sintering (SLS) technique developed using poly-methyl acryl-ate called acrylic teeth. PMMA (poly-methyl acryl-ate) is a net-like structure provides increased resistance to deformation. These teeth might have greater toughness. Rapid prototyping in the field of medicine is really a difficult task, requires more knowledge in the field of medicine and in engineering.

Acryl-ate polymers are used widely in medical particularly in dental field. PMMA has lofty surface resistivity, resistance towards moisture and weathering, water clear colour, very towering strength, better flexibility, superior dimensional stability. Because of its excellent physical and chemical properties PMMA material is used in various applications. Micro particle affords a good resolution in order to enhance the dispersion of polymer in SLS.

The ingredients of Rapid prototype biomedical material slurry are PMMA bio-polymer powder with an average particle size of 8 micrometers and silica sol as a binder provides a superior bond after laser sintering process. In order to provide adequate suspension, if we reduce the viscosity of this slurry, then the teeth will have more deflection. On the other hand, the viscosity of this slurry is high. The un-bonded slurry is removed after radiating through a laser beam.

Teeth are an important part required for us to perform several physiological functions throughout the ones life span. Human tooth is comprised of hard tissues known as enamel and a dentine with an inside core of affluent vascular, soft and a very delicate pulp tissues. Each and every human being gets one set of 32 permanent teeth that is meant to the function of whole life. In case, if they are lost because of peculiar disease or through trauma, teeth will not be regenerated and has to depend on restoration using synthetic biomaterials.

PMMA biomaterial is one of the suitable materials for replacement of human teeth. Human teeth can bear and wear the load applied while biting whereas the artificial teeth made of PMMA can also bear load and could withstand the body conditions like the natural teeth of human. Problems like dental diseases, failure of taste sensation and gagging are also been reduced while using the PMMA artificial teeth. Compared to other artificial teeth made up of ceramics, cost of the PMMA teeth is much lower.

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